These two bags are my year nine and ten textiles projects. The brief for the lion rucksack was a bag suitable for a child. The second bag was an eco friendly design made out of all recycled materials.
These are pages taken from my sketch books for my two AS Art
projects ‘High and Low’ and ‘Manicure’. For these projects I researched several
artists that inspired me and created responses to their work.
These are my designs for my A Level G21 project. On the left
are my initial designs and on the right are my developed designs, then further
developed using CAD.
Below are pictures of some of my develop designs modelled. I'm still working on this project and am currently finishing more mocs in order to develop them further to make my final design.
For my A Level Textiles project I am using a brief set by
George at Asda to create a range for their G21 range collaborating with a chosen
designer for inspiration; I used Versace.
The pages below are:
Mood Board and Brief
Research on Versace and Fashion Forecasting
Life of a Garment research concluded from a trip to George
For my AS Textiles project for my third page of designs I
developed the possibility of lining, padding, sleeves, hood or change of
colour/design. The two developments I chose to model were the cotton lining and
the wadding between materials.